Tuesday, February 03, 2009

White Artists Who "Sound" Black_Volume 1

This artist burst onto the American music scene in the late 80s. Hearing her name, everyone I knew wondered "Who is she?" Though the name definitely contained a European hint, we swore she was black. When we saw the video, we were completely floored. The artist in question is none other than Lisa Stansfield.

All Around the World


Anonymous said...

I couldn't figure her out. She confused me for a long time. Sometimes I thought she could be black and other times I just wasn't sure.

Unknown said...

yeah she is very talented...

John the Scribe said...

She's been dormant for a while, but this song definitely is the jam.

Mr. Jones said...

LOL @ white artists who sound black. The title made me chuckle.

John the Scribe said...

You are too much, Mr. Jones. Glad you had a good laugh. It's good for the soul.